transformation by design

Blog - projects

Understanding food sovereignty


Understanding food sovereignty

Raising awareness about food sovereignty with multiple itinerant exhibitions all over Spain.

Proyecto - Alimento calidad V01-07.jpg

A multilingual campaign designed with various NGOs throughout Spain.

The food sovereignty movement is a global alliance of farmers, growers, consumers and activists. Food sovereignty allows communities control over the way food is produced, traded and consumed, creating a food system that is designed to help people and the environment rather than make profits for multinational corporations.

Perifèries and several NGOs, Spain


Non-profit & Education

Visual design
Exhibition design
Editorial design

Project team
André Pessoa de Farias, Art direction & Illustration


Produced in the 6 regional languages of Spain, a catalogue accompanies each exhibition, compiling and expanding on the key concepts that appear in the exhibition.

In addition, a guide to local producers and services that meet sustainability requirements has been included.


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